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Sensation is Sacred

A 3 part workshop series that redefines sensuality as a path towards wholeness, freedom, aliveness & radical change in the world 

Reclaiming your birth right to living from your sensuality

In a world that values productivity and performance over well-being and deep self connection, we are often left feeling disconnected from our bodies, our emotions and our sense of who we really are. 


Sensation Is Sacred offers a clear, trauma-informed roadmap to nurture your sensual nature. 


Towards the self-sourced, profound and enduring sense 

of safety, worthiness and freedom that lives within our bodies. 


Join us in this powerful step away from the culture of disconnection, over stimulation & disembodiment and discover how your sensuality is a pathway to freedom & an agent for creating a more attuned, connected and empathic world.

Sensation Is Sacred Provides
A Pathway To

Rediscover Your Sensuality

Reconnect with the profound wisdom and aliveness of your somatic sensations, allowing you to tap into a boundless source of joy, fulfilment, and well-being.



Transform Our Culture Through Sensual Embodied Activism

Embody sensuality as a form of powerful activism against the capitalist and patriarchal constructs of separation. 

Through reclaiming your sensuality, you contribute to creating a more compassionate and interconnected world ( it'll make sense when you join the workshop! ) 


Free Yourself From The Hustle

Let go of the craving for external achievements to cultivate a deep sense of presence and connection within yourself. 


Repattern Your Nervous System

Learn trauma-informed techniques and practices to regulate your nervous system. Create a safe space within yourself to explore and embrace your emotions. This makes deep healing available and frees us from numbing and addictive behaviours.



Reclaim your birthright as a women to feeling & expressing your sensual aliveness 

You will redefine sensuality, liberating yourself from limiting and misogynistic notions of what it means to embody sensuality as a woman. Embrace the profound sacredness and innate freedom in joyfully expressing your sensuality without constraints.

Facilitated by

Maanee Chrystal



Maanee is a Somatic Trauma Psychotherapist, Dance Therapist, Erotic Educator, Sensual Embodied Activist & an embodied research of the intersection of the feminine, the shadow, trauma, somatics & embodied non duality with over with over 11 years of experience, known for her unique expertise and transformative approach. 


As the visionary founder of The Somatic Institute for Women, Maanee has created a sanctuary for women seeking to reclaim their power and embodiment. Her year-long teacher trainings have empowered and educated over 300 somatic practitioners.


For Maanee, the work of shadow exploration, trauma integration, eco-feminism & somatics extends beyond a mere vocation—it is a form of embodied activism. She stands for an era of integrated change in a world that is increasingly disconnected from our embodied selves & advocates for women reclaim the freedom of their bodies & their organic feminine intelligence as the agent of change towards a restored & regenertive future

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Learn to access the abundant and renewable resource of your sensuality

What Our Students Say


Workshop 1 
Reclaiming Sensuality as an agent for inner & outer transformation

In this immersive workshop, we'll explore the impact of internalized capitalism & misogyny on our sensuality.


By recognizing and addressing this disconnect, we can reclaim and expand our understanding of our sensual nature in a healthy & empowering way & discover how it not only transforms the connection to ourselves but acts as an agent for change in the world. 

Workshop 2
Sensuality, Trauma & the Nervous System

In this workshop, you will learn the trauma-informed approach to embodying sensuality.


You will receive insight into how trauma manifests in the body &  practical tools to regulate your nervous systems and cultivate a sense of somatic safety within yourself. 


It is only from a place of embodied safety that we can sincerely expand into the fullness of our sensuality, our pleasure and our power to act in the world.


Workshop 3 
Somatic practices to embody your sensual nature.

Be guided into somatic practices that will support you to embody sensuality.


Experience a transformative, felt sense of what it’s like to live from a place of embodied pleasure and body-wisdom. 


This isn’t just a temporary experience. This is a way of being in the world. 


In this way, we can change the culture that lives within our bodies, to bring an end to the consciousness of disconnection and destruction of our earth.

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Your sensuality is not only sacred but an agent for radical change in this disembodied world - Join the movement

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