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Become a trauma-informed advocate for women's body sovereignty
& join the growing, global community of
Somatic Erotic Educators 

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Your Body Is A Beacon

The Erotic (Eros), is a profound quality of aliveness, the stream of Life that flows uniquely through each of us.  It is the manifestation of your embodied presence - sensuous, connected & anchored within body wisdom. 

Through a myriad of social & cultural conditioning, our Erotic intelligence has been relegated into the shadows (the unconscious) or limited to the realm of superficial pleasure, sexuality & sensuality. 

When we sexualize, repress, or project our erotic essence outwards, we can become disconnected from its potential. We are severed from our innate body wisdom, This causes the erosion of our confidence, self worth,  empowerment & inner authority. 

Reclaiming our erotic sovereignty is life-affirming.  It effotlessly inspires us to take responsibility for ourselves, our bodies and our fulfilment. 


Through erotic empowerment, the Somatic Erotic Educator training invites you to ask, & discover  


How can I deeply belong to myself & thrive in loving service to the world as an embodied, erotically sovereign woman?

This training is about relating from our direct, embodied and felt experience.


Using trauma informed tools, we look honestly at what contributes to our shadow, and where we need to develop our own sovereignty and relational skills.


By redefining and exploring the erotic, we discover a new depth of relaxation, arousal and ease within the body, grounding ourself in a direct experience of Being. In this way we listen and hold ourselves, others and all of life with presence and relate from a mature and embodied space.


This training does not teach you how to be like your teachers, rather it offers you the space, deconditioning and resources to inhabit your unique erotic identity, develop your inner knowing and live the unique expression of who you are meant to be.


This initiation into erotic intelligence is for you if

you want to 

-Feel more comfortable & at ease in your own skin

-Feel total trust in life & yourself. 

-Feel confident to express yourself free from shame

-No longer need external validation to determine your self worth 

-Feel comfortable with the uncomfortable and see pain as a transformative power rather than something to fear & avoid. 

-Have profound levels of intimacy & connection within your relationships 

-Have an intimate relationship with your feminine wisdom 

-Feel connected & in tune with your body. 

-Feel you are an unstoppable force of nature that serves a purpose in this lifetime, just by showing up authentically as you ( " warts & all " )

Specifically designed for women ( people with vulvas ) to redefine and reconnect to their natural eroticism, The Somatic Erotic Educator 2-month online immersion, that can be taken as EITHER a personal journey or facilitator training, offers women the embodied instruction needed to live a life guided by their erotic wisdom.


Why is this important? 

Oppression operates by generating somatic dissonance & separating individuals from the wisdom of their bodies. When we are disconnected to our intrinsic body wisdom ( which acts somatically, psychologically & spiritually ) we submit to external authority, validation & power. Causing us to lose touch with our sense of self-worth. inner trust & innate joy.   


The shackles of oppression perpetuate trauma, addiction, toxic relationships, self-loathing, purposelessness, dis-ease, apathy & a multitude of other phenomena that disconnect you/us from our natural state of worthiness & radiance as a women. 


Reclaiming your Eros is a form of activism in itself.

Erotic awakening invites you to unravel this imposed programming & conditioning so that you can show up in the world fully resourced with the right psychological, sexual, somatic & spiritual tools to ground you into the deep knowing that who you authentically are, is enough.


Through that 'enoughness' you are able to lovingly be in service to support others to remember this very truth within themself. 


"T h e  e r o t i c  i s  t h e
n u r t u r e r  o f  a l l   
o u r   d e e p e s t 
k n o w l e d g e"

The Erotic is a co-created dance: a fertile intersection that requires “transcendent fearlessness,” which begins with loosening the grip and freeing oneself from fixation - Carole Clements

a   u n i q u e   a p p r o a c h
t o  f e m a l e                        
e m b o d I m e n t 

A unique approach to feminine embodiment, with its foundation in therapeutic movement, specifically tailored to the female anatomy, this dynamic online immersion will also be supported by a trauma-informed holistic map & tools in somatics, shadow work, sexuality, and stillness meditation as a gateway to embodied living and fulfillment in everyday life. 

  • Therapeutic movement tailored to the female body & hormones

  • Anatomy & physiology of erotic feminine movement

  • Trauma-informed map of the nervous system to support self-regulation, embodiment & pleasure 

  • Shadow work & Emotional intelligence to cultivate profound levels of authenticity 

  • Trauma infromed facilitation & holding space skills to guide these practices for other female bodied beings. 

  • Our flagship workshop & retreat structures 

  • Feminine centered businness & leadership guidence 


The necessity of women-centered spaces.

Women are at their best when empowering themselves and each other.  Yet, there are not many spaces where we feel safe enough to celebrate our beauty, power & vulnerability among other women. We live in a world often ruled by comparison, shaming & judgment when it comes to witnessing a woman in her power. Which without realizing it, contributes to the very oppressive & patriarchal paradigm we so desire to overcome.  


We feel the urgent call for women to come together and experience the healing intelligence & transformative power that belonging, community & erotic liberation has to offer us, personally & collectively. 

T h e  e r o t i c  a s k s
u s  t o  t u r n  
t o w a r d s   o n e
a n o t h e r ,
c h a l l e n g i n g
u s  t o  o p e n  t o
i n t i m a c y  a n d
e n g a g e   o u r
v u l n e r a b i l i t y.


Our mission is to create a non-dogmatic community of somatic erotic educators around the world, that are empowered to learn cognitively, somatically, emotionally & spiritually.

You will be empowered to become an effective, inspired & integrated facilitator, hosting our flagship trauma-informed shadow work & therapeutic erotic movement workshops. Guiding Women how to overcome the repression & shame of our natural eroticism, spreading the message of erotic empowerment, authenticity, and wholeness to your community.. 



This training is also designed for those only wanting to go on a personal journey. The facilitation skills module has been designed to also enhance your capacity to hold loving presence for yourself & others. ( which is essentially what we deem an effective facilitator)  We highly encourage you to join, even if you do not want to facilitate classes. Your erotic embodiment still acts as an education to those around you !!   


Live online sessions  ( Times to be announced)

Facilitation & Q&A classes : TBA

*All sessions will be recorded & uploaded to teachable to restream if you can not make the live session) 


Accountability & practice pods 

You will be assigned a pod, where you & 2 other women will work together throughout the 3-month program.  You will do practice sessions & facilitation sessions with your pod, as well as keeping each other accountable give feedback, track your progess  support eachother to move through the content & practices together. 



You will be required to practice all the exercises & upload videos demonstrating each practice as well as facilitating each practice with your accountability pod.

*10 videos in total. You will be given up to 1 month after the training to ensure you are up to date with all content & handed in all assessments in order to gain certification : Due May 7th) 


Support Coaches

We will assign 1 support coach between 2 pods ( 6 women) for fortnightly check in's. Your support coach will also be available to answer questions, concerns & emotional support regarding the training & its content. You coach will also support you to keep up with & follow the content & meet competency requirements. 

  • 4Holistic Modules on Embodiment

  • 75 hour live teaching sessions  ( will be recorded for restream, life time access

  • Accessible online learning portal through teachable

  • 10 hours pre-recorded content of all practices 

  • Training manual / Workbook 

  • A Package of Embodiment practices that you can teach 

  • Expert Guest Teacher guidence  

  • Silent Meditation Immersion

  • Accountability pod system

  • Fortnightly check-in & sharing with pod support coach

  • Community Facebook group  with ongoing FREE community group practice calls after completion

  • Guidence & support to get you started as a somatic erotic educator

  • Marketing material as a somatic erotic educator

  • Certification to become a somatic erotic educator ( if competencies are met) 

W h a t 's 
i n c l u d e d ?

Early Bird: 

ends Feb 28

$4769 USD

Full price

$5269 USD

Payment plans available

"Recognizing the power of the erotic within our lives can give us the energy to pursue genuine change within our world" - A. Lorde

*$250 discount if you pay in full in one payment


*Payment plans available: 

M O D U L E S 

Module 1 : The nervous system & the shadow 

-Limbic resonance & Embodied Leadership  

-Introduction to shadow work

-Safety in the body, trauma & Self regulation

-Poly Vagal theory & Nervous System Health 

-Psychological projection 

-The masks we wear to seek validation & approval

+Self regulation tool kit 

Module 2 : Erotic Intelligence & Body Sovereignty 

--The function of Erotic Intelligence

-Sexual sovereignty 

-Ageism, Sexism & body shame 

-How we internalise culture

-Desire & the evolution of Eros

-Pleasure, delight & the nervous system 

-Erotic innocence  

-Shame, hunger & body intelligence 

-Slut shaming & inner misogyny

-The Madonna/Whore split  

-Somatic reclamation of the Vagina

-Vulva mapping 

-Decolonial Sexuality & Erotic Empancipation

+ Therapeutic movement practices 

+Somatic practices 

Module 3 : Resting into being & the deep feminine

-Introduction to ( non-dual) somatic Meditation

-Deepening into being : The heart, the anchor & sacred pauses

-Poetic transmission & meditation on the deep feminine

+Silence meditation  weekend retreat

silent movement practices 

+meditation practices 

Module 4 : Trauma informed facilitation & Embodied leadership

--Holding therapeutic space 

-Person centred approach to faciliation 

-Trauma informed facilitation skills

-Creating a safe container

-Feminine Centred Leadership 

-Inner Misogyny & leadership

-Gender, Sexuality & Inclusivity 

-Service & Devotion

-Feminine centred business structures

-How to structure workshops, sessions & retreats

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"Our erotic knowledge empowers us, becomes a lens through which we examine all aspects of our existence, forcing us to evaluate those aspects honestly in terms of their relative meaning within our lives. And this is a grave responsibility, projected from within each of us, not to settle for the convenient, the shoddy, the conventionally expected, nor the merely safe..." - A. Lorde

F a c i l i t a t o r s 

    M A A N E E      C H R Y S T A L 

Dance therapist
Holistic Erotic

F a c i l i t a t o r s 



D e s i l e t s



  Z E L A I K A  
  H E P W O R T H  

clinical and cultural sexologist.



Trauma & PTSD Expert, psychotherapist & emotional intelligence coach


    a v a    

i r a n i 



d a v i d 

b e d r i c k 

process worker

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i r a n i 



    a v a    

i r a n i 



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b e d r i c k 

process worker

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d a v i d 

b e d r i c k 

process worker

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