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Sensation Is Sacred

A 3 part workshop series that redefines sensuality as a path towards wholeness, freedom, aliveness & radical change in the world 

Reclaiming your birth right to living from your sensuality

Join Maanee Chrystal for a three-part workshop series to explore the transformative power of sensuality. Discover how sensuality can be a vital nutrient for our overall well-being, joy, and sense of fulfillment. Maanee will guide you to explore the intersection of the oppression of the feminine, the body, and sensuality, and how these elements contribute to capitalism, trauma, and our phobia of feeling.


Through an embodied, philosophical, scientific, and practical approach, you will rediscover your inherently sensual nature and learn to access this abundant and renewable resource.


Reclaiming your sensuality not only reconnects you with yourself but also becomes a force for inner and outer change, creating a more empathic and attuned world, that of which is greatly needed now, more than ever.


The workshops will inspire you to see the world in a new way, offering a chance to create lasting change towards a more connected future.


Your guide


Facilitated by Maanee Chrystal. 

Somatic Trauma Psychotherapist, Dance Therapist, Erotic Educator, Sensual Embodied Activist & visionary. 

A researcher & Educator of the hidden, suppressed & denied aspects of self & the collective. Maanee weaves her innate capacity for deep feeling and sensing through the body, her love for the shadow & reclamation of the organic feminine principle into unique offerings & trainings through her school, The Somatic Institute For Women.  A trauma informed, body based sanctuary for women, offering teacher trainings & workshops on somatics, shadow work, nervous system health, trauma, embodied s3xuality, embodiment, female body intelligence & somatic coaching for women. She is also currently in the process of writing her first book - A memoir & educational book about her discoveries of the her own feminine shadow when she was a stripper in her early 20's, that will be dedicated to late teenage girls. 


Maanee recognises the work in the realm of the shadow, trauma, somatics & womens empowerment as a form of embodied activism. She strongly feels making these themes central to our lives is one of the most important areas to focus on, both individually & collectively if we desire long lasting and integrated change in a collapsing and disembodied world. ​​

Concrete Texture

Learn to access the abundant and renewable resource of your sensuality


Workshop 1 
 Reclaiming Sensuality as pathway to wholeness


Experience the transformative power of our captivating workshop as we unravel the profound effects of internalized capitalism on our embodied sensuality. Gain a deeper understanding of how capitalism can disrupt our innate connection to freedom, connection, and sensuality, and embark on a journey of reclaiming and expanding these essential aspects of being in a fresh and accessible way. Delve into the intricate interplay between sensuality and misogyny, discovering the key role it plays in oppressing women's sensuality. Through engaging practical exercises and enlightening insights, you'll uncover the core principles necessary to forge a profound and fully embodied connection with life. Prepare to embark on a journey of self-discovery and liberation unlike any other.

Workshop 2
Sensation, the brain & the nervous system. 

In this workshop, we will explore the importance of taking a trauma-aware approach to embodying sensuality, and how connecting with our sensations is the language of the body that helps us regulate our nervous system and communicate safety to the brain, in order for us to feel relaxed, open and connected within ourselves You will learn practical techniques to regulate your nervous system, deepen your connection to your somatic world, and access more sensuality, connection, and pleasure in your life. 


Workshop 3 
Somatic practices to embody your sensual nature.


In this final workshop you will be guided into trauma aware, somatic practices that will support you to embody sensuality not only as a temporary experience but as a way of being in the world. We will explore how living from a place of embodied pleasure and body wisdom threatens & counteracts the current systems we are embedded in, which program us to seek fulfilment outside of ourselves, profit from this and contributes to our collective consciousness of separation and disconnection and destruction of the earth.

What Our Students Say

Concrete Texture
  • A road map for how to feel deeply connected to yourself (what we all long for, whether we know it or not)

  • Ends the need for external outsourcing of fulfillment, safety, belonging and worthiness

  • Tone note: normalisation of these problems. Not shaming for them

  • The little niggling part that never feels completely met. 

  • If we really acknowledged how much longing we have for desire and connection, we would see how much our toxic behaviour stem from that. 

  • Repattern your nervous system to no longer feel the compulsion to XYZ

  • Release yourself from the need to

  • No longer feel unsafe to express yourself as a women, freely

Reclaiming sensuality will 

Concrete Texture

Learn to access the abundant and renewable resource of your sensuality

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