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Alumni 2023


Alumni group mentoring 2023

You are invited to join me, Maanee, in 2023 to deepen your journey into embodied leadership & feminine centred business. 


Dear one! The Alumni group mentoring program is a space where I will share everything I know & have embodied around business, leadership, marketing, creating unique offerings, making money & creating impact, all while feeling regulated, in devotion & relaxed. 


I have created an easeful business with structures & systems that support me to have a 4-10 hour work week & generate multiple 6 figures (and growing) in just under 2 years.


I only do the things in my business that are true & aligned with my gifts.


I’ve structured systems in place where I don’t spend MY time on marketing and worrying about getting exposure though social media.


I feel regulated, relaxed, devoted & aligned while creating impact.


I run my business in a feminine centred way - that means I sync my work with my (menstrual) cycle and prioritise how and where I focus my energy through the month.


My work is not my work, it is what I am devoted to & with that comes a paradigm shift that I want to transmit & initiate others into.


This is a process of moving out of the internalized capitalistic structures that perpetuate burn out & place your value on what you do rather than who you are.


I would love you to join me in this intimate group process. We only have 12 spaces available for women who joined the 2022 Somatic Educator for Women training. 



Structure of the year

6x 2.5 hour mentoring calls with Maanee on SATURDAYS in 2023


Feb 25

April 22 

June 17

August 19

October 21 

December 2

times TBA depending (will be calculated based on applications)


​​PART 1 of each session (1 hour): group mentoring on your genius


The first hour will be workshopping with 2 women (30 minutes each)

Similar to what we did over the Accessing your Genius weekend of the Somatic Educator for Women course (module 12) but going deeper into workshopping ideas for offerings & getting feedback.


Though we will be focusing on 2 women per session, these workshop sessions will benefit the whole group. They will inspire you to workshop your own ideas, gain insight into how to conceptualise offerings and structure them in a unique & impactful way.


You can either come with something you are currently working on or get support with creating a new offerings based on ideas you currently have.



PART 2 of each session (75 minutes)


I will be sharing all the things I’ve done to create the business I have:


  • Marketing: summits, funnels, email lists & social media.

  • Business structures

  • Messaging

  • Feminine centred business approach

  • Embodied leadership

  • Shadow work around limiting beliefs/challenges in leadership


What's included

- 6 group mentoring calls with Maanee starting late Feb 2023
- Pre-recorded access to all new sessions in the 2023 Somatic Educator for Women certification 
- 2 guest teacher lectures on soul based, feminine centred business (dates TBA) 
- Lifetime access to any 2-3 day online workshops Maanee hosts in 2023

ONLY 12 places available
Please fill out the application form below.
applications will be reviewed from Jan 2nd onwards)

$2,800 USD

$3,100 USD (8 instalments of $387.50 USD)


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